3 Things You Can Access in Adversity

You all react differently to adversity – you’re human after all. What if I reminded you that it is in adversity where you have a front-row seat to watching what God – and only God – can do in these moments.

Why? Because when you are:

  • Out of options

  • Out of time

  • Out of control

You are more ready to focus on what He has already put in your hands to move you forward.

Here are 3 things you already have access to in your most challenging moments – in adversity. Things He designed for you to embrace and strategically move up to the front and center view in your daily affirmations of God-breathed wisdom.

1. The power of choice.

We are reminded in the writings of Viktor Frankl, that “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.”

You might be upset that you can’t control your kids never mind the decisions of world leaders. Let it go.

What you and you alone can control is your choice of how to respond to all that is swirling around you.
Choose well.

2. The potential for growth.

If I learned one thing through the pandemic, it’s that my mind turned a bit mushier with added Netflix hours and the freedom to not have to go outside my home. Even in a different rhythm, you and I both can pursue growth moments. The circumstances always provide a way to grow our minds and our souls and establish physical and spiritual disciplines.

3. The purposes of God.

You might think that just because the world is changing at a hyperbolic speed, God is changing His mind about you and the world you inhabit. You might think that His strategy is changing in response to world events.

Every change changes everything EXCEPT the purposes of God.

His purpose from His first creation word was to invite you into a dance with the Trinity. Your purpose from your first breath has always been to love God and enjoy Him forever.

The power of choice, the potential for growth and the overarching purposes of God can be the daily reminders you need to help you become unstuck and unstranded and move you to positive action.

I believe you have it in you to finish strong.

God bless,



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