Why Wrestling with Ambition Makes You Strong with Jenni Catron

For anyone who is leading, male or female, in the home, in ministry, in the marketplace or as an entrepreneur – my conversation with my guest, Jenni Catron, does not disappoint. When we first met at a large conference in Dallas, we sat with my coffee and her tea at a high-top table and talked circles around leadership and probably could have hosted our own gig – the conversation was that good.

I have always felt that life-changing, unchanging principles that make you strong – can always be applied on multiple levels. Leadership principles can be applied to your own personal journey of self-awareness and self-leadership and staying healthy. The same principles can be applied to any team that you are leading now – your family, your work team whether virtual or live. And of course, if you are an organizational leader the principles that you will hear Jenni share in this podcast are invaluable if you want to elevate your organizational culture and get clear on your purpose.

One of our challenges, as Jenni unpacks it for us, is that the pandemic has resulted in many of us former brave, action-oriented and pro-active leaders becoming reactive. We have let the world disorient our sense of call and purpose. Of course – we are fatigued from being in survival mode for so long. 

What will keep us going and make us stronger is reminding ourselves we still have agency and that being proactive – even in something as simple as bringing some fun to the culture of the team you lead – can make a huge difference. 

Jenni is one of those friends that I truly wish lived next door. So I am so happy that Wisconsin, where she lives now, is not far away. I have brought her up to my world for personal coaching and for organizational expertise and she does not disappoint.

Jenni Catron is a leadership coach, author and speaker. Her passion is to cultivate healthy leaders to lead thriving organizations. She speaks at conferences and events nationwide, seeking to help leaders develop the clarity and confidence to lead well. As Founder and CEO of The 4Sight Group, she consults organizations on leadership, team culture and organizational health. With over 20 years experience in corporate and non-profit organizations, Jenni has a passion for helping leaders “put feet to their vision”. 

Jenni is the author of several books including Clout: Discover and Unleash Your God-Given Influence and The 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership. She loves a fabulous cup of tea, great books, learning the game of tennis and hiking with her husband. Jenni can be found on social media at @jennicatron and at www.get4sight.com.

Connect with Jenni: Website | Instagram | Facebook

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