Why Strong Relationships Matter with Toni Nieuwhof

Toni Nieuwhof has a voice that is increasingly amplified in this season in regards to staying faithful to marriage and family and encouraging all of us to do the work. In her book, “Before You Split – Find What You Want for the Future of Your Marriage”, she has shared with brave vulnerability her personal story of life with Carey Nieuwhof, as well as life-changing principles to create the relationships you desire.

Toni shares that finding her grace zone is sometimes messy – a circuitous route rather than a linear path. Toni shares in our conversation today the journey from  ‘why is this so hard’ – when stepping bravely into new arenas of voice and presence -  into accepting daily that this is a new grace zone of living fully herself.  Toni is calm, steady, with a quiet assertiveness that transforms into fire when she speaks.

Toni creates amazing content for relational health – and through her Smart Family podcast. Her book Before You Split is a game-changer no matter if you are married 1 day, 1 year or 37 years like Stephen and I. The ‘throwing your wedding ring at the person you love’ story is no joke.   Strong marriages create strong legacies. 

Toni Nieuwhof is passionate about her mission to help people love being home.  She’s a family law mediator, former divorce attorney, author, speaker and co-host of the Smart Family Podcast. She has been married to leadership expert, author, speaker and former pastor Carey Nieuwhof for over 31 years.  Toni has served the sick and vulnerable over the years by combining her professional acumen as pharmacist and lawyer in various roles in hospitals and other organizations. She has spent decades serving the community through the church Carey and Toni founded, and has been a mentor to many.  Her heart is full when she spends time outdoors with Carey, their two sons and anyone who is drawn to the aroma of their backyard BBQ.

Connect with Toni: Website | Instagram | Facebook | The Smart Family Podcast

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