The Strong Way Podcast
The strong way isn’t necessarily the easiest way
– but it is the best way.
Why Being Resilient Makes You Strong with Holly Wagner
Welcome to Episode 11 of The Strong Way with a brave modern-day pioneer offering wisdom learned from decades of launching and building.
Like most women, Holly Wagner wears many hats. Hers include wife, mom, pastor, teacher, author and cancer survivor. She grew up in Venezuela, Indonesia and England and eventually moved to Los Angeles where she worked as an actress in films and television for over 10 years…
Why Living an Undistracted Life Makes You Strong with Paul Burns
This conversation with my brilliant guest Paul Burns, the Managing Director of Twitter Canada, was a surprise to me. I am not sure what you are expecting from this episode but I wager you will not only be surprised but pleased that he is not who you would expect him to be in his position – a leader overseeing a platform with such wide influence…
Why You Can Be Strong in This Season with Cathie Ostapchuk
I’m going solo on this episode – and I’ll tell you why! This is an unusual seasons of uncertainty – struggles within and wars all around.
If you have been listening to The Strong Way, I envision you as someone who is somewhere and perhaps is wanting to move somewhere else. You may be either stunned but all that is going on, stuck for longer than you had thought possible or feeling stranded on an island of insecurity and uncertainty.
Why Wrestling with Ambition Makes You Strong with Jenni Catron
For anyone who is leading, male or female, in the home, in ministry, in the marketplace or as an entrepreneur – my conversation with my guest, Jenni Catron, does not disappoint. When we first met at a large conference in Dallas, we sat with my coffee and her tea at a high-top table and talked circles around leadership and probably could have hosted our own gig – the conversation was that good…
Why Good Enough is More Than Enough with Kate Bowler
My brilliant guest today, Kate Bowler, is way ahead of us on the journey to understand that we don’t control much of what happens in our life, and yet there is still hope. Stunned with a Stage 4 cancer diagnosis, she brought all of us who follow her into the complexity of challenging the everything happens for a reason myth.
Why Strong Relationships Matter with Toni Nieuwhof
Toni Nieuwhof has a voice that is increasingly amplified in this season in regards to staying faithful to marriage and family and encouraging all of us to do the work. In her book, “Before You Split – Find What You Want for the Future of Your Marriage”, she has shared with brave vulnerability her personal story of life with Carey Nieuwhof, as well as life-changing principles to create the relationships you desire…
Why Your Voice Matters with Kadi Cole
In this conversation with Kadi Cole, a strong voice for church, ministry and corporate leadership, Cathie explores the circuitous path and challenging circumstances female leaders navigate in their journey to find and use their voice. Kadi reminds listeners that all leaders carry something of value - a God-given gift, an authority, a strength that, if called out could help an organization, a ministry or a church flourish…
Why Faithfulness Trumps Fame with Paul Henderson
Almost everyone wants to be famous. Cathie’s guest on Episode 3 of The Strong Way Podcast had fame as a hockey player and legend – but found it to be lacking.
In this rare and candid conversation with hockey legend, Paul Henderson, Cathie explores Paul’s rise to fame and his turn to faith – and Paul’s life and leadership lessons learned in both spheres…
Why Suffering Makes You Strong with Sheila Walsh
In this episode of The Strong Way Podcast, Cathie, with her guest Sheila Walsh dig deep into mining the complexities of suffering – what it takes from you – but more importantly how it shapes, transforms you and makes you stronger.
Sheila Walsh is the author of more than 30 books that have sold nearly six million copies. A household name in faith circles…
Why Congruence is Key to Success with Carey Nieuwhof
In this episode of The Strong Way Podcast, listeners will get a raw and honest dialogue with world-class leadership influencer, Carey Nieuwhof. Carey shares openly and with candour about why his success is partly a surprise, and mostly about owning his unique lane of bringing the best of faith into the business world and the best of business into the faith world. Carey is open about being at your best, about the people closest to you believing in you, as trumping the praise of the many.
Why Clarity is Key to Success with Bob Goff
In this conversation with Cathie, author, speaker, coach, dreamer, leader, entrepreneur, global advocate and chief balloon inflator Bob Goff shares his wisdom on the power of clarity. While success can come from both strategy and whimsy, true success is focusing on what is at the centre of your call - with a commitment to living the undistracted life.